1. What's the coolest thing about doing print work?
I get to hang out with fun people and I get to be in magazines!
2. What was the best part of the Brooksfield shoot?
Just being able to be on the Queen Mary. We got to see a lot of the ship and, got to hang inside one of the cabins, had an awesome lunch, and just had fun playing around.
3. Do you have a favorite Gap shoot?
No, ALL of the Gap shoots were a blast! The photographer for the GAP makes it so fun..he just lets you laugh and play around and he takes the pictures while you are doing it.
4. How did you like filming the Tim and Eric Awesome Show?
I liked it alot! I got to work on a green screen and pretend I was riding amusement park rides. Tim and and Eric were really funny and did some pretty weird stuff!
5. What was your favorite part of the 77 Kids shoot?
Getting to fly to Florida for the shoot was awesome! One of my really good friends, Jackson Wurth, got the job too, so we got to hang out all week long. We got to shoot at the beach, and at a pool. They put war paint all over our bodies and we got to have a water fight!
6. How do you prepare for an audition?
My mom helps me learn my lines, and sometimes if its really hard material I go see an acting coach.
7. Have you ever given Tate any advice?
No, not's more like he should be giving me advice since he has been on a TV show and all!! I do give him advice on playing video games and also playing football.
8. What was the best part of filming your Pork commercial?
The food was REALLY good!!!
9. Who has been your favorite person to work with so far?
The people from the GAP, Old Navy and Garnet Hill!
10. What has been your favorite project so far?
Probably the 77 Kids shoot where I got to miss school and go to Florida for a week