Tanner Berney is Tate's older brother. He has been seen in several projects including commercials for Pork and Rooms to Go, Tim and Eric Totally Awesome Show, and print jobs for several big name companies including Gap, J.C. Penney and Target. To keep up to date make sure to visit his Official Website!
1. How did you get started in the industry?
I started when I was 4 years old. My first print job was for Ralph Lauren!
2. What was your first thoughts when you saw your Target poster hanging up in stores?
"This is AWESOME!"
3. Do you have a favorite Hudson's Magazine shoot you've done?
Both of the Hudson jobs were fun!
4. What was the best part of your shoot for Speedo?
The best part of the Speedo shoot was that all we did ALL DAY was swim in the pool. There was cool music playing and we were doing tricks off the high dive and everything!
5. What was it like wearing glasses for your Skechers shoot?
Wearing glasses was weird cause I am not used to it.
6. Do you have a favorite part from filming your Rooms to Go commercial?
I filmed the Rooms To Go commercial when I was like 6 years old, I don't really remember it.
7. How did you enjoy shooting Earth Born Angels?
I don't remember Earth Born Angels at all...I think I was way too little.
8. Is there a big difference in shooting print for American companies vs International companies?
The European companies are more into having kids just be themselves and have fun. They really like the "real kid" But they are all fun shoots!
9. Who have been some of your favorite people to work with this year?
I have fun with everyone I work with.
10. Do you have a favorite project that you've done this year?
No, not really. They have all been pretty cool!
I just shot a European commercial/print job called Cubus, and another Target campaign for Shaun White! I hope everyone has a great Christmas and an amazing 2013!